Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Moi? Difficult to live with?

Last night my guy told me that he was having trouble to adjusting living with someone. Not trouble as in 'can't do it/second thoughts' - just that he found it a big change and somewhat stressful to suddenly have to share space with a partner. Meanwhile, I've been telling everyone I know that this living situation has been such an easy adjustment for me. and that it's so relaxing.

My clutter is getting to him, whereas I'm more organized than I've been in 15 years and I'm loving living with my cats and a dog thrown into the mix. Admittedly though, my idea of organization is someone else's idea of domestic hell. One day he was upset about the state of our spice drawer. One of the spices had spilled. My thoughts were more along the lines of, "Who fucking cares - no one sees it anyhow", followed closely by, "OMG we have a spice drawer. This is so organized!!!"

Overall everything is fine. We are getting along happily and enjoying watching NCIS together (other shows we are not in agreement on. I never had the cooking channel or whatever the hell it's called and now realize that I wasn't missing a damn thing) - but I need to step up my cleaning patterns or he'll start to resent my astounding ability to live in chaos.


Rox said...


This brought me some giggles. It's always interesting when two people start living together.

Inexplicable DeVice said...

Ah. This sounds just like me and SP.

Me being you, in this instance.

I'm sure you two will sort it out together - How can you not? After all, SP and I did. Well, we're still working on it...

Susan as Herself said...

I fear I would be terrible at living with someone at this point---I am pretty organized as well, and things moving around without my knowledge drives me nuts. Good for you for being more relaxed!!

eroswings said...

Living with someone is all about compromise. I've learned not to let the little things build up into a huge problem! Just keep talking, listening, and you'll work things out.

It's a big change, and there will be some good things and some stressful things. Hopefully, the good things outweigh the small stressful things. But it sounds like y'all are making a good transition to living together.

Yeah, I don't have a spice rack. I have a spice bucket, where I keep all my spices.

tornwordo said...

Marriage bliss with a couple of blisters. Sounds normal to me.

EarthMother said...

Ha ha .. I haven't read your blog in eons (nor have I talked to you in ages), but I had a giggle over this one. Recall, I was a minimalist and deeply compulsive about tidiness before I moved in with R. After nearly two decades of living with a pack rat who is also a compulsive shopper and a slob, I think we've both rubbed off onto each other.

Snooze said...

EM: I need to call you. I am in the "why the HELL didn't we just elope moment" and I'm a miserable sod. I want to run off with you and join Cirque de Soleil

EarthMother said...

Oh hon, just read your reply to my comment now. Please call me. I am with you on the eloping idea. I always thought I would have enjoyed my wedding if I could have shown up as a guest.