Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The road to [not sure actually]

I always used to say that I was on the road to ruin [ode to favourite Ramones album] and loving it. But since I've stopped drinking as much, my new road is literal and involves all the endless bike training I'm doing. I decided to try to do both the Saturday and Sunday training rides last week-end. Saturday was a 72km loop that went north of the city, which apparently consists of endless hills. Sunday was an 40km ride along Lakeshore to a town to the west of Toronto, and then back. It was a relatively flat ride, but there was a lot of wind going there. It suffices to say that I am not ready for a 6-day, 100km per day ride.

My thighs were in so much pain on Monday. I did stretch, and I did have a hot bath, but that was not enough for my poor muscles. Even a liberal application of Tiger Balm didn't do that much help. What did help was walking part way home from work. Yesterday I went for a 20km bike ride with my bff and that finally did the trick. I am still exhausted though. I'm dreading tonight which is some sort of team bonding spin class.

Still, I feel better than I've felt in years by doing all this exercise. I'd feel even better if the scales weren't going up! I know that muscle weighs more than fat, but for crying out loud, I still have a chubby tummy and slightly jiggly thighs so I'm not sure where the heavy muscle is hiding. I think it's due to the fact that my appetite has gone up exponentially. I try to satisfy my hunger with oatmeal and apples, but pasta is becoming a very prominent feature in my diet.

And that's it for me. I will blog next about my incredibly wonderful dinner with my sister that I had last Saturday just to show that I do still have a bit of a life.


rox said...

Don't worry about the weight or the carbs or whatever, just do the best you can! You're doing this for a good cause!

That being said, try drinking orange juice for your achy muscles. Something about it helps break up the lactic acid buildup in your muscles. I may have dreamed all that scientific stuff up though...

Susan as Herself said...

Wow--- this all sounds so intense. I bet you will be able to do an Army basic training drill course without breaking a sweat after you are through!!!

tornwordo said...

I think it is so cool what you are doing. I feel kind of wimpy in the face of it. Right there with you on the scale horror.

eroswings said...

Sometimes, it's not the destination, but the journey that is most important.

You're awesome and amazing for taking up such a rigorous sport!

Nicki said...

You're building muscle under the jiggly faster than you're losing the jiggly, which is okay. They'll catch up to each other sooner or later. Keep at it, woman!! You rock!!

Laverne said...

You are my inspiration! I can't believe the distance you've been going. And less than a year ago, you weren't riding at all, right?

You are one cool chick. Eat the pasta. Try the gorgonzola Gnochhi... it's the best.

Stewie said...

I miss you (in that internet stalker kind of way).

Perplexio said...

You go girl! Get down with your good self!

I know this post is over a month old, so I do hope you've kept on keepin' on. :-)