Friday, September 19, 2008

Works for me

I have a cold sore up my nose. It's just inside my right nostril - thanks for asking. It was somewhat painful, very annoying, but it really wasn't visible. I love it. If I'm going to be plagued with cold sores when I'm run down, may they all be up my nose instead of prominent on my upper lip.


Rox said...

My hubby gets them on his ear. This makes me wonder where he's been sticking his ear! LOL! Apparently they can pop up anywhere. I hope yours goes away soon. Feel better!

eroswings said...

Ouch, but that's a very thoughtful cold sore to stay out of sight!

Get well soon!

Nicki said...

I have one in the back of my mouth that gets agitated when I eat and makes me feel like my teeth are eating themselves from the inside out. Nothing like going to the dentist, expecting a root canal only to be told it's minor, but there's not a thing they can do about it. I feel your pain.

Brice said...

Ugh. I've had pimples in my nose, but never cold sores.
I can only imagine how bad that feels...

Susan as Herself said...

Oooh. That does sound painful. But like yous said, at least nobody knows unless you point it out.

tornwordo said...

They all suck. sometimes my nostril ones merge with the upper lip ones. That's the really not pretty one, lol.

Anonymous said...

Ack. Sneezing must suck right now.

Snooze said...

Rox: Ear! Goodness, what that must be like. Mine is all gone now.

Eros: I know - I was so impressed with its discretion.

Freak: Ouch.

Brice: It surprisingly wasn't that bad. I think pimples are worse.

Susan: It just looked like a had a cold.

Torn: I had that happen once too and that was vile.

Stewie: No sneezing. That would have been odd.